Talyse Hampton and Kaiya Farrow-White

Throughout the month of February, the Binghamton City School District is honoring the legacy of Black Americans. As part of the District’s celebration of Black History Month, students of color from Binghamton High School are sitting down with notable Black alumni to discuss their journeys since their days at BHS.

This week, Binghamton sophomore Kaiya Farrow-White spoke with BHS Class of 2005 graduate Talyse Hampton. Hampton was a talented music & fine arts student during her time at Binghamton High School, playing the cello, singing in various choruses and choirs, and acting in theater productions. She now resides in California and works as a manager for JP Morgan, but still finds time to perform.

During their conversation, Talyse shared with Kaiya her journey from Binghamton to the West Coast, her experience as a student in the Rod Serling School of Fine Arts, her biggest influences at BHS, and the keys to navigating life after high school. Take a look below to watch Kaiya Farrow-White’s interview with Talyse Hampton!