Cultural Responsiveness
Building Cultural Responsiveness
Equity in education is a transformational journey requiring change and growth toward understanding diversity, identity, and privilege within the socio-political culture where we exist
and enact the curriculum.
To achieve this goal, we need to attain cultural responsiveness. In the Binghamton City School District, we embed these practices through the lens of culturally and linguistically responsive teaching and learning.
Cultural Competency: This competency is having an awareness of one’s own cultural identity and views about difference, and the ability to learn and build on the varying cultural and community norms of students and their families. It is the ability to understand the within-group differences that make each student unique while celebrating the between-group variations that make our [world] a tapestry. that culturally responsive leaders need to continuously support minoritized students through an examination of assumptions about race and culture (NYSED, 2017).
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning: Meeting students where they are in terms of their cultural and linguistic background and building upon those assets for school success. This includes the VABB Principle of Validating, Affirming, Building, and Bridging (Hollie, 2017). For more on VABB:
Implicit Bias: Unconscious attitudes, behaviors, and stereotypes that impact actions and understanding. These can be both positive and negative towards specific social groups, but being aware of how they impact behavior is an important first step (Yale University, 2021).
The 4 Principles of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education
The 4 principles that organize the New York State Education Department’s CR-S Framework are inspired by the 4 high leverage strategies that emerged from Buffalo Public School’s work on Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Education.
The 4 Principles of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education:
Welcoming and affirming environment
High expectations and rigorous instruction
Inclusive curriculum and assessment
Ongoing professional learning
Follow Dr. Sharokky Hollie on Instagram @validateaffirm