BCSD Dedicated Employee Reception

80 staff members were recognized on May 7 for their many milestones!

The district’s annual Dedicated Employee Reception was held in the Community Room at Central Office for district employees who have been granted tenure, reached 20 years of service, and those who are about to retire.

Each honoree was given a special gift bag and certificate. As always, the event was organized by the Binghamton City School District Personnel and catered by the Binghamton High School Culinary Department. Congratulations to all!

A full list of the honorees can be found below. Click here to view photos from the event.


Kelly Barton-White

Christen Baumbach

Kathy Burris

Madison Bussman

Ashley Cook

Cheryl Crounse

Edlyn Dutton

Julia Fiato

Michael Holly

Julie Kachmarik

Danette Koanui

Janet Manchester

Ryan Marchewka

Tania Melendez

Amna Mian

Kari Mihalko-Ackerson

Amy Putney

Oscar Rodriguez

Amy Rosenberger

Lori Sallade-Conrad

Jacqueline Scallan

Kristy Sloma

Brandi Snyder

Krystal Snyder

Kirsten Szymanski

20 Years of Service

Sheila Bagnick

Khany Barany

Andrea Beatty

Robert Bidwell

Sanya Brown

Sarah Carr

Kelly Ciulla

Eva Clancy

Jacqueline Coleman

Emily Dabek

Pamela Dayton-Coon

Angelo Grassi

Kelly Hampton

Melissa Holly

Elizabeth Isham

Alice Kiereck

Jean Marie Klein

Jennifer Mosher

Amy Nugent

Stacie Paler-Large

Crystal Papastrat

Renee Petro

Jacqueline Scallan

Jennifer Sweeney

Jenni Thompson

Erin Vasquez

Jamie Zang


Mary Bean

Jean Breck

Donna Brown

Christine Capani

Eva Clancy

Alan Colwell

Stephanie Fisher

Greg Furch

Cathy Gnall

Kathryn Guiles

Kara Hastings

Ann Marie Kettle

Michael Lisi

Jessica McClain

Carol McManus

Gail Merritt

Barbara Monk

Ellen Moullisseaux

Sue Neish

Pat Nestlerode

Tammy Orzalek

Joann Pandish

Maria Penna

Kathleen Perna

Roberta Peterson

Renee Petro

Michael Ramil

John Sweeney

Sherri Tucker

Julie Van Atta

Dedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee ReceptionDedicated Employee Reception