October 16-20 is School Board Recognition Week nationally. School districts all over the nation paused to say “thank you” to those who serve on their school board, and Binghamton is no exception.
The district’s annual School Board Recognition breakfast took place on Tuesday, October 17. The event rotates buildings each year, and this year’s breakfast took place at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. The members of the Binghamton City School District Board of Education are:
- Steve Seepersaud, President
- Timothy Ames, Vice-President
- Korin Beck
- Carrie Button
- Albert Penna
- Liza Turner
- Paul White
On top of being treated to a delicious breakfast to get the day off to a bright start, the board members were also honored with a special gift that is timely with Halloween only a few weeks away. Students at Woodrow Wilson grow lots of different foods in their garden, and pumpkins are one of them. Each school board member was given a special pumpkin grown at Wilson, and decorated with the Binghamton B by Wilson students. Wilson second grade students also sang a couple songs to drive home how appreciated our board members are. It was a special showing of gratitude for the Wilson students to hand board members the gifts they worked so hard on to thank board members for their dedication!