Rights of Homeless Students
Homeless students and their families have rights specifically granted to them under state and federal law in order to assist the education of those students those rights include:
1.The right to choose to attend either the school district of attendance before the student became homeless, or the school district where the student is currently living, or certain other schools where a regional placement plan exists.
2.The homeless child or youth may not be required to attend a separate school for the homeless or otherwise be segregated solely due to homelessness.
3.Homeless children and youths shall be provided services comparable to the services offered to other students in the school selected, including transportation, school nutrition programs, vocational/technical programs, education services for which the child or youth meets eligibility criteria and programs for the gifted and talented students.
4.The right to a written explanation regarding a school district’s decision relating to school selection or enrollment and the statement of the right to appeal such a decision.
5.The local school district must appoint a homeless liaison to assist in providing such rights and further information.
Additional information and associated forms to assist homeless families can be found by clicking here. Binghamton city School District’s homeless liaison is Denise Alcindor, alcindod@binghamtonschools.org; she can also be reached by phone at 607-762-8116. The NYS Coordinator for Education of Homeless Children and Youth is also available to provide assistance in exercising a student’s rights under these provisions.