Elementary Fine Arts

Orchestra Program Description
Students may sign up to take violin lessons in 3rd grade. In 4th and 5th grade, students may sign up to take violin, viola, cello or bass lessons. Small group instruction on violin, viola, cello and bass takes place once a cycle. At the elementary level, students study tone quality, rhythm, bowing, scales, finger patterns, ear training, music reading, vocabulary, theory, history, posture and technique. In addition, students attend a full orchestra rehearsal once a cycle. Students perform in two concerts during the year.
Choral Program Description
Students may join chorus in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Rehearsals take place once a cycle. In chorus students learn to read music, sing in unison and harmony, study music history, care for their voices, and work as a team. Students are taught to collaborate and cooperate. Students are involved in two performances during the year.