2024-2025 Contract for Excellence Narratives
Program Narrative
During 2024-25, Collaborative Coaches, Interventionists, Enrichment Specialists, and Consultant Teachers will serve to increase Time on Task by providing targeted Academic Intervention services to identified students in need of further literacy and mathematical development. All students’ achievement will be addressed through measures of growth, providing instruction to those who are in need of academic support due to low performance, as well as those who need to be challenged to move beyond grade level expectations. Teacher and Principal Quality Improvement is largely at the elementary level being facilitated by the Collaborative Coaches and Enrichment Specialists, who will continue to provide professional development to teaching staff. They will serve as consultants/members of school-based Inquiry Teams, providing expertise in data analysis and assessment review. Collaborative Coaches were instrumental in the redesign of district-wide assessments and will be facilitating, with the assistance of the Enrichment Specialists, the design and implementation of ELA units of study, embedding the Science of Reading Literacy Briefs to ensure that our curriculum is aligned with the Science of Reading. Overall, dollars will be maintained in this area, with particular attention being paid to Teacher and Principal Quality Improvement as the district continues to implement a PLC process with a specific focus on Data-driven Inquiry.
Class Size Reduction will continue to be supported by C4E funds to ensure our K-5 classrooms are of optimal size. Reduced class sizes also supports the Academic Intervention Services that have been implemented at all levels, ensuring equal access to needed instruction. Overall, dollars previously maintained in this area will continue.
Middle School and High Restructuring efforts will continue to focus on supporting smaller learning communities. We have created smaller school programs within our current larger buildings to provide identified students with a smaller more personalized learning environment. We will also continue our efforts with Professional Learning Communities at the Middle Schools that allow for school-based inquiry teams to identify and address students in need. The daily schedule is being restructured to ensure intervention time is embedded in the daily schedule and that students are getting what they need as they need it throughout the year using a W.I.N. period approach support by Solution Tree. Continued support for transitioning students into the 9th grade through teaming provides opportunities for students at risk of school failure to transition from 8th Grade to 9th grade within a supportive community. Overall, dollars maintained last year will continue.
Each of the new and innovative programs that have been selected will be adopting the practices that are outlined in the district’s strategic plan for 2024-25. The plan establishes benchmarks, measured and reported to the Board of Education quarterly, that assist staff in gauging their instruction, classroom practices, student progress and classroom goal setting.
Targeting Narrative
Our students in poverty, both general education and special education students across all ethnic groups, continue to be challenged. Building-level Response to Intervention teams will be provided targeted professional development to increase the support being delivered to these students. Through the dollars being expended, efforts on all populations, K through 12, are focused on providing targeted instruction.
Guidance and direction on providing challenging and appropriate instruction for struggling readers and mathematicians, both identified with disabilities and non-identified, will occur through embedded professional development at the school level. Additional support is being provided to those students in danger of not graduating through interventions (counseling, credit recovery, participation in Patriot Academy and/ or the PATS program-smaller school settings within the larger school at Binghamton High School). Improved alignment of Academic Intervention Services provided throughout the course of the day will target students in poverty, ELL students and Students with Disabilities.